长期以来用英语怎么说 您所在的位置:网站首页 多长时间 英文 长期以来用英语怎么说


2024-06-09 21:17| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1. Duration:表示“时间长度”的时间状语,用于描述某个活动已经进行了多长时间。英语中可以使用for和since来表达这种意思。


- 我已经长期以来学习英语了。I have been learning English for a long time.

- 我长期以来都在这个城市生活。I have been living in this city for a long time.

- 长期以来,我们一直在为这个项目工作。We have been working on this project for a long time.

- 自从大学毕业以来,我一直在寻找工作。Since I graduated from college, I have been searching for a job.

- 长期以来,这个问题一直没有解决。This problem has been unsolved for a long time.

2. Historically:表示“历史上”的时间状语,用于描述某个事件或事物在过去的一段时间内一直存在或发生。英语中可以使用historically来表达这种意思。


- 长期以来,英语一直是全球通用的语言。Historically, English has been a universal language.

- 这个区域长期以来都处于贫困状态。Historically, this region has been in poverty.

- 长期以来,人们一直在探索宇宙的奥秘。Historically, people have been exploring the mysteries of the universe.

- 这个城市长期以来一直是商业中心。This city has historically been a commercial center.

- 长期以来,音乐一直是人类文化的重要组成部分。Historically, music has been an important part of human culture.

3. Over an extended period of time:表示“在一个较长的时间内”的时间状语,用于描述某个事件或事物在过去的一段时间内一直存在或发生。英语中可以使用over an extended period of time来表达这种意思。


- 长期以来,这个行业一直在发展壮大。Over an extended period of time, this industry has been growing and expanding.

- 在过去的几十年中,长期以来的气候变化已经影响了地球上的生态系统。Over an extended period of time, climate change has affected ecosystems on earth for decades.

- 长期以来,这个国家一直在努力改善教育状况。Over an extended period of time, this country has been striving to improve its education system.

- 这个公司长期以来一直在致力于减少环境染。Over an extended period of time, this company has been committed to reducing environmental pollution.

- 长期以来,这个社区一直在为社区居民提供更好的生活条件。Over an extended period of time, this community has been providing better living conditions for its residents.

4. Persistently:表示“持续不断”的时间状语,用于描述某种情况或行为一直在发生或存在。英语中可以使用persistently来表达这种意思。


- 长期以来,这个国家一直在与进行斗争。Persistently, this country has been fighting against corruption.

- 这个人长期以来一直在努力实现自己的梦想。Persistently, this person has been striving to achieve their dreams.

- 长期以来,这个社区一直在为改善公共交通系统而进行努力。Persistently, this community has been efforts to improve the public transportation system.

- 这个组织长期以来一直在提供帮助和支持给有需要的人。Persistently, this organization has been providing help and support to those in need.

- 长期以来,这个小组的成员们一直都很努力。Persistently, the members of this group have been working hard.

5. Over time:表示“随着时间的推移”的时间状语,用于描述某种情况或行为随着时间的推移而发生变化。英语中可以使用over time来表达这种意思。


- 长期以来,她的英语口语水平一直在不断提高。Over time, her spoken English has been improving constantly.

- 这个国家的形势随着时间的推移而发生了很大的变化。Over time, the political situation in this country has undergone great changes.

- 长期以来,这个小镇的人口数量一直在增加。Over time, the population of this small town has been increasing.

- 这个公司的销售额随着时间的推移而逐渐上升。Over time, the sales of this company have been gradually increasing.

- 长期以来,这个城市的建筑风格发生了很大的变化。Over time, the architectural style of this city has undergone significant changes.







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